
Increased organic visits from 3,373 to 68,815 organic visits in 12 months

Carepatron is transforming practice management for solo practitioners and teams. Atlas Digital first engaged with Carepatron in August 2022, prior to their $1 million USD capital raise with Blackbird Ventures Aotearoa.

The Brief

Carepatron provides workplace management software, competing against traditional practice management providers to deliver a customised workplace management solution for therapists and other medical practitioners.

They wanted to increase their overall awareness and trial sign-ups using digital marketing channels. Working with Jamie Frew (CEO and co-founder) we set out to increase organic traffic for Carepatron using content marketing and SEO, as part of a wider digital strategy. The goal was simple: increase organic traffic as much as possible, and become an authority in this space. This is the story of how we partnered with the Carepatron team to increase organic visits from 3,373 in March 2022, to 68,815 organic visits in March 2023.

p.s. We believed in Carepatron so much that we became investors too!

“Atlas has been instrumental to our organic growth by providing expert advice and scalable capacity.”

Jamie Frew / Co-Founder and CEO

The Journey

As part of Carepatron’s inbound marketing approach, we identified organic traffic as a key focus. With limited resources, and established competitors that serve wider audiences, Carepatron needed a clear SEO roadmap to own the search space and become its leading authority.

There are hundreds of thousands of searches related to this space - a massive opportunity if approached correctly. Like the best founders, Jamie was ambitious, when we originally pitched 8 articles per month (an amount we typically find manageable for our clients) his response was, “how about 200

in three months?” Planning and research was crucial to the success of this project, and we set out to identify the best organic keyword opportunities for

Carepatron via keyword research, then built those into clusters and topic titles. Finally, we wrote SEO briefs for each, ensuring that they would be SEO optimised and highly likely to rank.

The next stage was planning the content writing process. That amount of volume typically requires strong coordination between both partners. Once we’d determined the best approach, we started pumping out content.

The Results

Organic traffic has grown, from 3,373 new users in March 2022 to 68,815 organic new users in March 2023 (a 1,940% increase).

To date, we’ve now published well over 200 articles and templates to the Carepatron website, with hundreds more in the pipeline.

An in-market prospect reading a Carepatron blog today might search “what’s the best workplace management platform?” in the future. And, you can bet your last marketing dollar that the brand equity you’ve built will pay dividends for your business.

That’s what we’re seeing play out with Carepatron, and this is just the beginning.Their total search volume could scale to the hundreds of thousands of searches per month in the coming years.

To date, Carepatron has published over 200 blogs, and more recently another 200 templates.

Conversion wise, we’re driving thousands of dollars worth of conversion costs, every single month.

What an investment, right?

More case studies

We’ve achieved a 131% increase in Offline SQLs, with a 50% drop in the cost-per-SQL

"I’ve had the pleasure of working with Atlas for several years now, both at Arlo and previously at Raygun. I’ve always been impressed with their ability to add deep domain expertise to the paid search channel, resulting in more leads at a lower CPA. Atlas’ willingness  to share knowledge, and coach and mentor staff at Arlo has enabled us to upskill the team and ultimately improve our collaboration to help drive the best results.

I’m a big believer in leveraging an agency like Atlas to take  on specialty channels like SEM. Atlas understands the nuances  of technical products, really gets the SaaS business model,  and brings the latest insights by working across multiple  accounts. For a small marketing team, it means we free up valuable time to focus on core aspects of marketing  strategy, messaging, and content."


Head of Marketing at Arlo

Average Facebook conversions are up 82%

“Atlas don’t just push buttons, they dig deep into data to understand consumer behaviour, ensuring maximum impact.”

Sarah Aldworth

Tend I Head of Marketing

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